Sunday, February 13, 2011

3.2.1 summary

Things I learned:
1. Karl Marx came up with the idea of communism.
2. Slavery was abolished in Britain in 1833.
3.Collective bargaining is workers negotiating with their employers.

Things that interested me:
1. Public schools began to be established during this time.
2. Children as young as six years old were working in factories.

Question I have:
1. When did women get the same rights as men in Britain?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Connection Across Time-Communism


Communism is a theory of social organization based on the holding of all property and the ownership being to the state or the community as a whole. Communism tries to equal out the social classes.

Communism still exists in China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


William Wiberforce

Abolition of slavery

-A member of Parliament, William Wilberforce, led the fight for the end of slavery and the slave trade in the British Empire.
-A bill was passed by Parliament in 1807 to end the slave trade in the British West Indies.
-In 1833 Britain abolished slavery in its empire altogether.
-This caused a new class of industrialists who supported cheap labor over slave labor.
-It also caused the U.S. to abolish slavery in 1865.

I think this social reform was very important change because it was the first step in making every human being an equal in society. Since I feel that everyone in the world should have the same rights no matter what race, gender, or religion they are, I strongly approve of this reform.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Connection Across Time

The Apple ipod was created by an Apple team made up of Jonathan Ive, Jon Rubinstein, Michael Dhuey, and Tony Fadell and Steve Jobs in 2001.

The Ipod allows people to listen and download music easily. It also can play videos and some have certain apps or games on them.

This invention has changed the world because now more people listen to music since an ipod is more portable and convenient than a CD player was. It also does more things than just play music like a CD player did. Many people even say they could not live without their Ipod, which shows just how important this invention has become to our everyday lives.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Seed Drill

The Seed Drill was invented by Jethro Tull in 1701.

The seed drill controlled the spacing and depth of seeds when farmers planted.

This invention changed the world because it wasn't wasting seeds so it boosted the crop yields.

Spinning Jenny

-James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny.

-The spinning jenny was a hand-powered multiple spinning machine that spun threads.

-This invention changed the world because it decreased the need for labor since it could spin more yarn at a time. It also helped spinners keep up with the weavers.

Flying Shuttle

-John Kay invented the Flying Shuttle.

-As a weaver pulled a handle, the flying shuttle would carry the threads of yarn quickly back and forth.

-The flying shuttle changed the world because it made the weavers job quicker and easier to do.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Industrial Revolution

Chapter 9

This chapter is about Industrialization, how it was spread, and the different reforms from 1700 to 1900. It includes the Agricultural Revolution and it's inventions and explains the bad working conditions of the time. This chapter also shows the different types of government like Socialism, Utilitarianism, Capitalism, and Communism. 

chapter objective: I hope to accomplish a better understanding of the different governments and how Industrialization impacted society.